In terms of speed, the tier 7 to Tier 6 characters reach Mach 1000 at bare minimum while High 6-A characters and above consistently demonstrate Massively FTL+ speeds reaching over 131,000,000,000c scaling from Samus's gunship. Phazon enhanced enemies often reach even greater heights of the Tier 5 range and some even reach Tier 4 scaling from Dark Samus, Light Suit Samus, Emperor Ing, and Luminoth tech. In addition, the majority of the verse start to become very high up in the Planet level department scaling from, Tallon IV Leviathan impact, Ambilic's lore about Gorea being a casual planet buster who terrorized the Tetra Galaxy, and Legendary Varia Suit Samus consistently withstanding her own planet busting power bombs point blank with no damage. After Zero Mission however, Samus is Multi-Continent level in her normal power suit without any power ups. Even prior to Metroid Zero Mission, older/weaker models of the Power Suit have consistently demonstrated scaling Tier 6, Island level to Country level including ones demonstrated by Ridley and Mother Brain respectively. The verse gets even more impressive when Space Pirates and technology of the Chozo, Luminoths, and Ambilics are taken into account. Samus, even while limited to her zero suit, has been known to survive a minimum 1000 km fall and run at supersonic speeds on a 960 G environment this puts even fodder characters at Tier 7 and Massively Hypersonic+ speed. Nearly every character in the verse, especially anyone infused with Chozo DNA, is adapted to survive in environments several hundred to nearly a thousand times Earth's gravity due to being native to planets, Tallon IV or Zebes respectively.

Overall, Metroid is a very powerful verse. The gameplay combines adventure based on exploration and item-gathering with platformer and shooter dynamics. Central plot elements are the Metroid organisms, Phazon, and the Space Pirates which try to exploit the Metroids' powers. The Metroid games chronicle the missions of bounty hunter Samus Aran in a science fiction setting which is heavily inspired by the Alien film franchise. Despite these shortcomings, it still remains as one of Nintendo's primary IPs. Despite its popularity, it hasn't been the best in terms of sells, and has died twice as a franchise, once after Super Metroid, and another time after Metroid: Other M. One of the company's most notable franchises, the series' popularity spans several Nintendo consoles, with the first game, Metroid, released in 1986 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
#Metroid prime 4 vs dread series
It is a series of video games produced by Nintendo.