Individual attendance, assessment and behavior letters now include information about who have opened the letter.
#Itlearning i39 skin#
The Navy ePortfolio skin has been modernised and is now mobile friendly. The report now shows how many topics in a plan a specific learning objective was added to. We’ve extended the depth of information shown in the Learning objectives alignment report in Advanced reporting. With this option, all content that is added to the library from this course will have a special kind of co-author.Īdditions to Learning Objective Report in Advanced Reporting

#Itlearning i39 update#
To make sure that all course designers can continue to update the course after its content has been moved into the library, we’ve introduced a new option when sharing the course as a template: Add course teachers as co-author. Recently we made it possible to move course content into the library when sharing the course as a template. The other way around, if you delete the topic folder the topic will also be deleted. Note that when a folder has been created for the deleted topic, this folder will be deleted as well. When deleted, topics are now added to the trashcan of the course, just like plans and other course content. It is however possible to change the default for new courses in Admin > Edit global settings > Set default course settings > Topics. Existing sites won’t notice any difference. Because of this, topics will no longer be enabled by default for new sites. We’ve seen that Topics in plans sometimes are confusing to new users. If you create a plan that spans over less than a day – for example a lesson – we now also show the hour in the Plans overview. With this new menu option, students can now easily find a specific part or resource in a plan. When you click ‘Add Resource’, you’ll now see a new “Computer” option. We’ve made it easier to upload files from your computer and connect it to a plan. If this happens, go back to the test in itslearning and start again.
#Itlearning i39 install#
Students are required to install the test-mode browser app before taking tests. You can now take tests in test-mode on iPads.