Fear the walking dead
Fear the walking dead

fear the walking dead

Exner has euthanized all of the patients. They try to escape through the medical ward, where they discover Dr.

fear the walking dead


Travis' group reach the holding cells and set the detainees free before reuniting with Nick, Liza, and Strand. Meanwhile, the walkers breach the perimeter defenses and swarm the base. Travis, Madison, Daniel, and Ofelia go inside, while Alicia and Chris stay behind. The group infiltrates the base after Daniel distracts the guards by leading a horde of walkers from the arena. Adams agrees to be their guide when let go by Travis.

fear the walking dead

The group drives to the National Guard's headquarters to rescue Liza, Griselda, and Nick. Griselda dies of septic shock at the hospital Liza shoots her brain to prevent reanimation. Travis convinces Moyers' squad to take him to the hospital to check on his friends. Chris is devastated that Liza left voluntarily to help at the hospital, but Travis promises to bring her back. Liza agrees to go to assist the medical team, despite not wanting to leave her son. The US Navy takes Griselda and Nick to a hospital. Exner determines that Liza is not technically a nurse. Days after the National Guard quarantines the neighborhood into a Safe Zone, residents try to live normally. While Travis says, "It's going to get better," Daniel laments that it's, "too late," as he watches a guardsman mark the neighboring house. The next morning, as the Clarks and Manawas start driving away, the National Guard arrives and quarantines the block. Liza tends to Griselda's injured foot but notes that Griselda will die if not treated by a doctor. All three families decide to stay the night and evacuate in the morning. Unable to reach a hospital, the group drives to Madison's house. The group reaches Travis' truck and escapes, but not before Griselda is injured by a collapsing scaffold. While a riot rages outside, a mob sets fire to the store adjoining the barbershop, forcing the Salazars and Manawas to flee. A riot erupts after police shoot down another zombie, but the three Manawas find refuge with the Salazars. Liza is first seen when she meets up with her ex-husband Travis and their son Chris. After her death, Chris is shown to be even more angered and traumatized and blames his father Travis. Liza is killed off in the first-season finale when her husband Travis shoots her out of mercy after being bitten by a walker. Following her and Travis's divorce, Chris blames his father for their separation. Liza is a described as a "Latino-American and one of many LA residents dealing with the start of the outbreak". Liza is the ex-wife of Travis Manawa and the mother of Chris Manawa. Main characters Madison Clark Įlizabeth "Liza" Ortiz, portrayed by Elizabeth Rodriguez, is a main character in the first two seasons of Fear the Walking Dead. ^ Blades is not credited from 2.08 to 3.02, then as "Also Starring" in 3.03 and as a main cast member again starting from 3.04.Austin Amelio ( Dwight), Christine Evangelista (Sherry), and Keith Carradine (John Dorie Sr.) Main cast Actor

Fear the walking dead